Eggtopsies - Picture Heavy

Do you know why it quit so close to hatch?
Did you see the dark spot? I suspect it was malpositioned and maybe lost too much moisture and couldn't get into the proper position. The dark spot is where it tried to pip even though it hadn't absorbed it's yolk. I twas alive yesterday morning, but dead at 11pm. The other 18 eggs have pipped in the normal spot.

Open to comment, so don't be shy, willing the hear all of them.

Did you see the dark spot? I suspect it was malpositioned and maybe lost too much moisture and couldn't get into the proper position. The dark spot is where it tried to pip even though it hadn't absorbed it's yolk. I twas alive yesterday morning, but dead at 11pm. The other 18 eggs have pipped in the normal spot.


Yes, but that's also how rotten eggs look so I just assumed it had begun decomposing in the shell. Poor little guy. :/
How did you know it was dead? Also how do you know when to open them?
Two things... when I went to candle it and the others it wasn't warm like the others were. Live chicks generate heat, dead ones do not. Then it wasn't moving when I candled it. Of course I opened the air cell first and checked for signs of life and there were none, so I proceeded with the eggtopsy.

I'm always paranoid about backwards eggs. I'm afraid one of my three eggs is developing in the wrong spot, so I'm going to have to keep a very close eye on it after lockdown. Funnily enough, the one I lost last year was also backwards, and also hadn't absorbed his yolk sac by the time the other two were already out. It was clear he wasn't gonna make it. It's sad to lose a baby, but I guess that's just the cruelty of nature :/
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