Eggy Coop Decor


7 Years
Sep 28, 2012
Missouri, but Montana in my dreams
My Coop
My Coop
I don't know if there are any others on this board with the strange taste I have in decor (I'm kind of strange anyway, but particularly in decor). I like fun stuff! So...this is the coop we ordered from for our 4 soon-to-be hens(same colors we ordered too, except the roof is more of a slate blue)

And this is a rough draft on what we plan on doing with it!! My husband's making all the eggs and pans and chickens, and I'll be painting them. YES it's weird, wonky and slightly "omg look at that eccentric old couple's chicken coop, poor things!" ...but it's totally what I want. :p And..the hubs already said "Whatever you want, fine with me." So I'm running with it!

Thanks for looking :)
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I love it!!! I too have just finished making my coop, and cannot wait to decorate it! I wanna do it all girly pink, and pics of some fit roo's as i have an all girl flock

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