Eleven week old easter egger male?


7 Years
Dec 10, 2015
Sammamish, WA
This is my eleven week old Easter Egger (Chipmunk)

today. He/she has been molting for a couple of weeks. I can see yellowish saddle feathers growing in that are pointed. I'm starting to be sad because we've made a lot of effort to hold all our birds to make them easier to handle and this one is a pretty nice bird when it's not beating up on the other birds. We had to separate Chipmunk from the the other birds at 3 weeks since he/she was beating them up as all the feathers came in.This is Chipmunk on the left at 2 weeks.
This was the same bird at 3 1/2 weeks old (10 days later - wow!). This photo was a exactly a month ago at 6 ½ weeks. The last photo was at 9 weeks. This has been a common behavior of stand-offs with the other birds with hackles raised. However, some of the other birds return the hackle raising and often challenge the Easter Egger.

Def a cockerel

cockerel. If you're new to chickens, I'd strongly suggest selling him or giving him away. roosters add a whole different dimension to flock keeping that most newbies can do without.
I'm sad today. Roosters are illegal in my city, so we definitely can't keep him. I wonder if the stores that sell chicks would want him?

Likely not as there are loads of unwanted cockerels out there. You're best bet is too list him on Craigslist. You can also check with your local feed store and see if they know of someone who might want him. They may even have a bulletin board you can advertise him on. You might also check with your local 4h. One of the students might want him. Good luck in re-homing him.
I'm sad today. Roosters are illegal in my city, so we definitely can't keep him. I wonder if the stores that sell chicks would want him?

When we ended up with a Cockerel we were able to rehome him to big farm in the country where he is happy. I agree with OShay on checking with the local feed store. Good chance they know someone with a farm that is willing to take him.

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