Elmo and Frugal Gourmet


14 Years
Mar 27, 2008
South Central Indiana
Does anyone have a copy of the PBS show with The Frugal Gourmet and Elmo cooking a Christmas and Hannukah feast, or know where I can get one? I have a very poor copy and would love to replace it. I have been unable to find it.

Are there any other fans of this program on here?
One of the best cooks and helpers. I think they should put together an Elmo cooking video. Elmo has cooked with the Frugal Gourmet, Emeril Green, and Rachel Ray - and those are the ones I have seen!

Have you looked on youtube?
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Being on slow dial-up, I don't use youtube as a rule. (A 30 sec clip can take ten mins to load.) I didn't know an entire show would be on there. I will go to the public library and try there. Thanks for the tip.
You may not be able to find it because The Frugal Gourmet (Jeff Smith) was accused of inappropriate behavior with young men. It was never really proven, but it could be that the Sesame Street people wanted to distance themselves from the whole thing. Jeff Smith died a few years ago.

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