I have been reading and learning from this awesome site for about 18 months, and have been a chicken owner for a little over a year. I’m now hoping to get some help with a sick chicken.
Location: West VA
Background: 9 hens in flock, purchased as day-old chicks from Meyer Hatchery. Coop is on a trailer; hens moved to fresh grass each week. They are not free-range — they roam in 350 square feet of covered runs to protect them from predators.
Situation: One of my EEs went to roost early Monday night and was lethargic Tuesday. She was breathing through an open beak off and on Tuesday, not really eating or drinking much. I saw what looked like a gapeworm near her in the run, so started administering de-worming meds to the flock Tuesday night. Wednesday morning under her on the roost, I found watery diarrhea tinted green. She has continued to be lethargic, not eating or drinking much. This morning I noticed her crop was not empty, so I have been massaging her crop. It it not compacted or doughy — just granular but easily manipulated. I have segregated her, and she has continued to have watery diarrhea with a little bit of green solids. (see photos — I scooped them out of the isolation crate so they are in a baggie with pine shavings.) She seems very weak. Her comb has been pale since Monday, and her tail feathers have been down (See photo).
Questions: After 3 doses of Safe-Guard (.25ml/lb), if the problem is worms, wouldn’t she be better? If not worms, what could the problem be? Please help!
Location: West VA
Background: 9 hens in flock, purchased as day-old chicks from Meyer Hatchery. Coop is on a trailer; hens moved to fresh grass each week. They are not free-range — they roam in 350 square feet of covered runs to protect them from predators.
Situation: One of my EEs went to roost early Monday night and was lethargic Tuesday. She was breathing through an open beak off and on Tuesday, not really eating or drinking much. I saw what looked like a gapeworm near her in the run, so started administering de-worming meds to the flock Tuesday night. Wednesday morning under her on the roost, I found watery diarrhea tinted green. She has continued to be lethargic, not eating or drinking much. This morning I noticed her crop was not empty, so I have been massaging her crop. It it not compacted or doughy — just granular but easily manipulated. I have segregated her, and she has continued to have watery diarrhea with a little bit of green solids. (see photos — I scooped them out of the isolation crate so they are in a baggie with pine shavings.) She seems very weak. Her comb has been pale since Monday, and her tail feathers have been down (See photo).
Questions: After 3 doses of Safe-Guard (.25ml/lb), if the problem is worms, wouldn’t she be better? If not worms, what could the problem be? Please help!
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