Emergency Humidty to high 75% at hatch??


8 Years
Feb 28, 2011
1 drowned already. Should I open and remove water? Or try to save them by putting under broody hens?? These frickin meters dont work or I put to much water in after removing turner!! I know we are not tro open but??? Any sugesttions in trying save this hatch. Thanks:(
75 % is not too high

I have hatched at 77% .... how was ur humidity from day 1 to day 18?

what incubator do you have

open some vents
if your readings are not accurate then I would suggest that you look for condensation, if there is then ventilate for a minute and wipe off the condensation. They can only suffocate if they pip. Candle the airsack and if you see something grey or anything at all in the airsack it has been broken into. Very carefully poke a hole in it. Alot of call duck breeders do this as call duckling are one of the hardest to hatch! If there is no pip in the air sack then put it back and reduce the humidity just as was mentioned above. Please update

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