EMERGENCY!! Im looking for cood coop websites. Anybody have some?


Faith & Feathers
11 Years
May 1, 2011
Olathe, Kansas
Hey there! Im looking for a cheap coop big enough for 7 chickens. we wont buy from ebay. I want them to be able to move around in them, and not have to go in just to sleep. My parents are not willing to pay for anything past 700-800 dollars!
we want to buy it, and not have to build it ourselves. If there is self assembly, its okay, well take it!
Does anyone know some good websites? Im really in an emergency! my chickens are about to start laying and they dont have any shelter! This is an EMERGENCY!!
this is all they have right now! -> http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=chicken+hutch&hl=en&prmd=ivns&resnum=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1280&bih=929&wrapid=tlif131344161117510&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=10382327197031059651&sa=X&ei=e4dJTry2PMSCsgLg-MCSCA&ved=0CGwQ8gIwAA#

: In the title, i meant 'good' not 'cood'!
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There are many places that you can look, check out you local feed store. I have a local one that sells a terrific chicken coop. You could also look at some sheds. The money you have is more then enough to have something large and wonderful for you and your chickens. You should put in your heading that you are looking for a cold weather coop "insert your town & state" and I'm sure you will have some locals on here help you even more.

Good luck in your search!
Scroll up, middle of the page is a heading/link called Coop Designs. It's fabulous, shouldn't take more than a week to see them all!

In the BYC store, there is a book called Coop Design For Dummies. VERY helpful for novice builders!
try Craigslist in your area..we have seen alot of readymade coop there pretty reasonable..we built ours ourselves from the coop site here..medium coop for 8 hens..was 358.00 for supplies..it turned out great

It is so much easier when you build the coop first and then get the chickens.

Your best bet at this point is to start looking for a shed that you can insulate, ventilate, predator proof and add some 5gallon bucks on their sides for nest boxes.

You might be able to find a used shed/coop, but for something instant, ready for your climate and CHEAP...you are going to have a challenge.

You might want to come up with your budget and then ask your local 4h if they know anyone willing to build you a coop in your price range.
If you can spend 700-800 dollars, buy a wooden shed, 8x8 or 10x10. They'll also need a run, so cut a pop door in the shed to their run. Add a couple of nest boxes, and a couple of roosts, and you'll have the perfect coop.

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