Empty Bator Syndrome


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
May 7, 2007
Forks, Virginia
I am beginning to suffer the signs of an empty bator. I have one empty now and a second will be empty as soon as these geese decide to come out and greet me.

If anyone has fertile eggs they would like to test I would be willing to pay shipping. I can't take just any breeds though. My husband doesn't mind me hatching but he is very much like me and doesn't care for dozens of breeds hanging out all willy nilly together.

I would gladly try to incubate the following:

Geese - embden, giant grey dewlap toulouse and sebastopol

Ducks - appleyards

Chickens - orpingtons

lol, hatching withdrawals. That made me smile. You know if you get some other types of eggs, you can always sell the chicks or ducklings locally allowing you to support your addiction.

My yard would drive you nuts... I have had more comments about how people have never seen some many types of chickens in one place before, lol.
My laying flock is big and colorful and filled with many breeds. The waterfowl is limited as we have to build what each breed would need for a season. I just do not mix waterfowl and chickens all willy nilly and thrown in together. It makes me INSANE. I like everything put away its own little neat and tidy cubby. That makes me rather picky I think! LOL

Alot of what we raise is for our table. So I really can't get by with raising bony birds or those that eat a lot and don't give back as much. Reason #1 my jersey giants and partridge rocks will be leaving the farm.

Also I am one of those picky people and I don't like the looks of certain birds and can't abide hatching them.

It is a major hang up for me. LOL
THAT'S why I won't get a bator! I'd have chickens running all over this place.

And I'm having enough trouble filling the bator God gave me!
I hatch and let things run "willy nilly"! I quit counting how many chicks ive just thrown outside...there are a lot...thats all i know
lol ..... yeah, I hope so too

Mrs Twigg gets that *syndrome* too
Been there, done that. As difficult as it is, patience is key here, Carri. It'll happen when it's meant to.

Miss P, I'm with you in keeping like breeds together and no 'willy nillies'.

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