So I have a EE pullet that seems to be acting a bit broody. For the past two days I've had to shoo her out of the nest box during the day and pick her up out of the nest box and place her on the roost at night. She was born in mid-february and the whole flock just got into full swing laying. I had placed some wooden eggs in the boxes to encourage them to lay there instead of the yard and it had worked like a charm! Of course, now I have a girl that wants to hatch them! I was hoping to have a broody hen to hatch eggs in a year or so, but not now. Should I keep her out of the box, or allow her to sit on the fake eggs? I don't want to permanently break the broodiness, but also don't want her to put herself thru such a commitment without a chance of success. I don't have a rooster, so there's no way to let her sit on an egg or two even if I wanted.