Enlarged breast


10 Years
Aug 1, 2014
Salem, Oregon
I've got 2 chickens that have an enlarged breast on the left side. If felt them and they are about the size of a baseball and a little soft. Is this something to worry about?
On their left side or on the left when you look at them straight on? If it's on their right side and your left when you look at them straight on, then it's most like a full crop. If you squish them a little, do they feel a little gritty, like a bean bag chair? If they really are on their left side, then not sure, except possibly an anomaly and their crops are on the other side?
On their left side or on the left when you look at them straight on? If it's on their right side and your left when you look at them straight on, then it's most like a full crop. If you squish them a little, do they feel a little gritty, like a bean bag chair? If they really are on their left side, then not sure, except possibly an anomaly and their crops are on the other side?

totally agree and great advice
On their left side or on the left when you look at them straight on?  If it's on their right side and your left when you look at them straight on, then it's most like a full crop.  If you squish them a little, do they feel a little gritty, like a bean bag chair?  If they really are on their left side, then not sure, except possibly an anomaly and their crops are on the other side?

It's on their right side (on the left when I look at them straight on), so it's probably just a full crop. We usually give them some scratch later in the afternoon, but today I gave it to them only about an hour before they went in to perch and it was while they were on the perch that I noticed it. I go in every night and count them just after they have all gone in to perch, just to make sure they're all there and that none of them have been taken by one of the local predators. I'll check them out tomorrow and let you know if the enlargement hasn't gone down.

We've only had chickens for about a year now and we're learning soooo much about them (like how to treat them with DE for their mites) :D

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