enlarged wattle


Jul 10, 2021
australia .nsw.
so I
got two hens on Friday, left them to settle a bit on cat cage after getting home, have them separated from my other chickens, anyhow later that day they've come out and are foraging around i notice that one has a enlarged wattle, now i am going to take to vet tomorrow,(Monday) as i am hoping its not Fowl cholera
Her bottom looks a little messy but her poos are not runny still solid? you can see the purple, on the under of the swollen bit..Have not let the new ones mingle with my older hens, in case....it looks like she has just one wattle, or do they join anyhow just because its swollen?
any thoughts?


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There was another thread on BYC where a hen with a tick on her wattle had the same reaction. Have you checked for the presence of a tick or a possible insect bite/sting. Good luck in resolving this.
Vet said it quite solid the lump most likey a tumor, so we are first trying inflmaorty meds, 4 days, then i will go back and she will exract a cell and look under microscope ...
Since it was turning purple, I would also think about a tick bite. Usually swelling eventually goes down. Some use diphenhydramine (benadryl) once to help with swelling. Glad that you have vet care.

There are several possible causes of wattle swelling. Frostbite, tick bites, stings or pecks, and diseases, such as coryza and fowl cholera which would cause other symptoms.

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