I have 6 bantams (silkie, silkie crosses and a polish) and 2 standards (buff orp and shamo). I may not be keeping all 8 because some will probably end up being roos and will unfortunately have to be rehomed.
Assuming however that I have around 6 chickens (mainly bantams) would the coop I have plus an extended run be suffient for most days? They will be able to free range in the evening for a couple of hours and for about 4 hours a day on weekends but most of the time they will be locked up safely in this space.
The current coop is about 3ft x 7ft (its 7.5 with the nests but they don't count). I intend to extend the run to cover the whole patio which is about 8ft x 8.5ft total area including the coop.
There may be times (at night for instance) when they will be shut up in the main coop. Would this be considered an acceptable area for 6 chickens?
Assuming however that I have around 6 chickens (mainly bantams) would the coop I have plus an extended run be suffient for most days? They will be able to free range in the evening for a couple of hours and for about 4 hours a day on weekends but most of the time they will be locked up safely in this space.
The current coop is about 3ft x 7ft (its 7.5 with the nests but they don't count). I intend to extend the run to cover the whole patio which is about 8ft x 8.5ft total area including the coop.
There may be times (at night for instance) when they will be shut up in the main coop. Would this be considered an acceptable area for 6 chickens?