Ever wonder why sultans aren't more popular?


11 Years
Oct 1, 2008
Hector, Ar
They have the hair do, the extra toe, the feathered feet, facial muffs,pretty cool!!! Yet though only come in white, they seem to be pretty fragile, are closer to being banty size rather than standard, does that cover why? Some people on here have had ones with great personalitys yet most seem to label them as not particularly hardy.
I absolutely love my little Lois! She was shipped to me, stuck under a broody hen who hatched and raised her among 40 large fowl and has survived this nasty winter with flying colors.

She is full of personality and just recently started to lay. I'm really hoping her eggs are fertile--I checked one and it did have a bullseye.

I popped 2 in the incubator--no idea who the daddy would be--probably my black, silky/cochin mix, Mo. Wouldn't that make purdy babies?

i had a pair, i liked them alot, they werre full of personality and kinda goofy, quiet, and meek. but my roo got sick too often and they got real dirty after rains. if u have the right set up for them, they are great. but for me, they were not right for ranging and took up too much time

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