Everything is out of Wack Today!!!


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
The Beautiful Pacific NW ,WA
My goodness!! Everything is just all crazy today and tonight!! This morning i woke up to a call form my baby sister crying, in severe pain. We ended up taking her to the hospital and found out she had a Kidney Stone, thankfully it wasnt Appendicitis liek we were suspecting (runs in the family). We were in the Hospital all day with her waiting to get her into a room so she could stay until it passed and i didn't get home until abotu 20 minutes ago.

i checked all the ducklings and fed them all, they were fine. Momma cat apparently thinks she takes up more space than she really does and she missed the litter box(
)..yuck, cleaned that up.

I finally got to the eggs to check my 2 pipping Muscovy eggs and to wet the towels again and GUESS WHAT?!!? My Mule eggs are all hatching!!! in the turner!!! What The Heck!!! It's only Day24 and their temps/humidity have been good the whole time, these things are just crazy!!

I rushed them to the hatcher/bator and bumpped the humidity(even tho some were 1/2 out). It looks like I may have lost a few but these things hatched like a whole week early...I knew they were Mutants when they survived the 104F spike....
2 of them just popped out and are all over the place, i think i might have to move them to a different incubator so they dont scramble the others, lol. They're both pretty dark but i will get pics when they dry out. My Muscovies have been hatching for 2 days now and these guys shot out overnight, lol.

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