Excited! Got the 8 X 8 shed kit for coop


11 Years
Sep 9, 2008
Pilot Mountain, NC
Hubby, son and I are going to work on our chicken coop this weekend. I can't wait. None of us are carpenters so I bought a KIT off ebay. I'm so excited We'll also be able to add on to it as we need. It will make everything a lot easier this winter. Just being able to run one light out to the coop for continued egg production. I just can't WAIT! I know some of you have built crazy fabulous coops on your own imagination and skill...Some of us just need a 'lil help. lol We'll get there, someday, I'm sure.
can't wait to see your pics!

good luck
My wife and I built an 8'x7' shed out of an easy framer shed kit I bought online from Northern Tool Supply. It was very easy. We then used our creative side to dress it up and mold the inside to how we wanted it. I hope you have great weather for the build this weekend. Good Luck!

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