Excited newbie from the PNW! (:


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 9, 2014
Western Washington
Hi all!
I am new to the BYC keeping, but am VERY excited!! We wont have our chicks until next month, but I wanted to see what you all think of the set up we have created. Any suggestions/opinions are welcome and much appreciated!
We have built a 12x5 coop with 2 separate runs we can swap between that are 1000sq ft each. After the chickens have settled in, we do plan on letting them free range as well. Do you think the runs are big enough to comfortably accommodate 10-12 chickens?
Also wondering if you think Australorps, speckled Sussex, and a couple of Easter eggers would be a nice flock to start with?

Thank you all in advance for any input :)
Sounds great! You'll get lots of eggs from the Astrolorps, and EEs are good layers too. Special Sussex is a pretty bird, but they don't lay quite as often as the other two breeds.

Sounds like you'll have plenty of room for your hens! Welcome to BYC from Ohio!
Thank you Chicmom! We are getting so excited! I also would like to do ducks and turkeys, but don't want to be overwhelmed all at once. I think I will order them next spring, and just see how the chickens go this year.
Welcome to BYC!! I am also a newbie at raising chickens. Got my first 8 chicks last week and my hubby is building them a coop! Lots of info on this site and nice people. Enjoy your chicks!!

Welcome to BYC!

Yes, sounds like a good amount of space for the birds you want to keep! You will love the australorps. They are a wonderful breed....docile, friendly, great layers and very hardy over all. Once they figure out you have the treats, they will stalk you for the rest of your days!

Have you stopped by our learning center here on BYC? Lots of great reads on all the aspects of keeping poultry...


If you have any questions, that is what we are here for. Welcome to our flock!
Thank you Lisa7780. Good luck with your chicks! What kind did you get?

Thank you TwoCrows! Yes, we have heard wonderful things about the Australorps, Can not wait to get them! the EE's are my daughters pick, of course.haha. She is 6, and can hardly contain her excitement about becoming a chicken owner.
We have a few different breeds as my 8 yr old picked based on color!
We have Rhode Island Reds, Buff Orpington and Golden Sex Links. Where about in the PNW? I am in Oregon and ready for some nice weather.
My chicks are currently housed in my living room!! Lol
Hello :frow And Welcome To BYC! Sounds like a nice coop set up, the switching runs will come in handy. Nice selection of breeds, maybe a Welsummer or Marans for the dark brown eggs?
Hello neighbor! Two runs to rotate between sounds like a really good idea. Each of my groups has their own covered run that they have access to all the time and then a second, larger run without a roof that they take turns in. If I rest the uncovered run I can get the grass to grow back some. They quickly strip it clean within a few days when they get access to it again, but it's nice for them to have grass in a protected area every so often. I make up for the non-grass times with daily greens and vegetables.

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