Experience With French Marans?

British SOP is unfeathered feet, Everyone else uses French SOP, which is feathered feet.
It just depends on what you plan on doing with them. I have had both in my flock. I have had all kinds of breeds in my flock at one time or another, but I have always had Marans in my flock. I love them they are not very skittish, if trained as chicks. Generally sweet, the eggs are thick and creamy, with a wonderful taste. Lots of chefs in New Orleans keep them for their home use. If you are interested look up Cypress Duck Farm on the net. They handle mostly French Marans and a few other birds. I have been using Dan Barger, owner of Cypress Duck Farm for like a decade and have had major luck with both hatching eggs, under my own broody and pullets, when he has them. Let me know what you think. I am waiting for one of mine to go broody and will be hatching when that happens. Good Luck. :love
I have 2 French Black Copper Marans girls and I absolutely love them. I ordered a surprise box of chicks from Alchemist Farm and they were in it. Out of all my breeds they are my sweetest and most curious. Mine won’t start laying until March/April. they are absolutely beautiful and sweet birds. I plan on getting more and breeding my own to preserve this breed.

5 weeks old

Just shy of 3 months old. First to say hello in the mornings.

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