Experiences with Texas Poultry?

Well, initially they told me they could sex the polish breeds, now I just got email saying that they could not.

I am waiting for clarification, but I expect the initial email was in error...

Very sad that I am unable to find ANY female polish chicks!

I am going to have an empty coop! *SOB*
Meyer also sexes their polish and I believe Critterhill just ordered some!!
Well... I am being paranoid. I canceled my McMurray order due to the AE uncertainty. I wanted to wait to see how the situation plays out before ordering from them especially since the polish breed has been affected.

Unfortunately, I am unwilling to wait that long.

The good news is that Meyer hatchery also sexes their Polish chicks, so I just placed an order with them for a dozen chicks for the end of April!
kbarrett, I know, I am SO excited!

I checked their website a thousand times and it said they were sold out!

But when the fourth person mentioned them, I called them out of sheer desperation! The first thing the rep said was, "Oh, yeah, the website is a little whacked."

Turns out they had a few left! Woo!

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