Extra chicks-what breed?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 11, 2013
These were extras from McMurray. Ay clues on breed and or sex?

I'm pretty sure one is a silver sebright, but not positive. Thanks!



The black and white one is a Silver Sebright, though it is too early to tell the gender. But as for the other chicks, I really don't know what they are. Post photos in a few weeks, and then we'll be able to make a better guess.
I think that the black and white one is a Sebright. Your top one might be a Easter Egger or an Easter Egger bantam, as it has green legs. I'm not sure on the last one, but it's coloring is splash.
The second chick looks like a cockeral judging by the comb development. Cockerals grow combs faster than pullets. The second chick also looks like a Silver Sebright.
Agree the middle one is a Sebright, the other two look like their bantam Easter Eggers.
The bottom one had started out pure white and then developed black tips on wings which made me think it was a Japanese bantam. The top one was all tan, and has started developing colors more recently.
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