Extra protein


Mar 7, 2018
Okay so my hens stopped laying which I know the egg production of a hen can slow down in the winter but for 4 of my hens to completely stop? I have all RIR gals and was told they need extra protein in the winter sense bugs and lizards aren't out in the winter. I gave them some left over organic wet cat food (my vet recommended to just boost there protein intake and was only given once a day for 2 days) but I started giving them more table scraps especially cooked meat. I feed them Purina layena crumbles and a scratch feed that is mixed with corn, wheat, and meal worm pieces. So anyway what is a good source of protein or how can I help my hens start laying again. They are also only a year and a half old.

Thanks :D
It's probably weather related, once it warms up with longer day light hours, things should go back to normal. Has there been any changes?

I used to feed layer feed but then switched to Flock Raiser with the protein of 20% and have a dish of Oyster Shells on the side. I've read there's quite a few that feed an all purpose feed for all stages adding the extra dish for Oyster Shells and Grit.
The best protein for hens is animal protein. This is the reason that chicken folks mention their chicken being velociraptors or T. Rexs. The presence of vitamins D3, A, and other animal products and proteins along with potassium is important. Some of the things that those who have been educated beyond their intelligence abhor like Chlorine is so important to eggshell formation that if the hen isn't getting enough Chlorine in her diet she can synthesize or produce her own fake Chlorine.
No changes to the coop or there surroundings. I did start the wet cat food about a week ago and that only lasted two days, they get oyster shells (available to them 24/7 in a feeder, I feed them Purina layena crumbles, and now the scratch feed. I did start giving them more table scraps as well. But today I went out to feed and collect eggs and let them free range for 4 hours and I received 5 eggs today out of the 7 hens i have so I will say that is a improvement from 2 eggs a day.

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