Eye Infection or Rookie Chicken Mom?


Jul 14, 2016

Hi. I have 5 beautiful 6 week old Plymouth Rocks. Chimey has what I perceive as swelling around just one eye. No known injury and nothing caught in the eye. I have been washing it out with water which hasn't seemed to make a difference. She is eating, drinking and playing normally. No one is picking on her.

I was close to panic after 2 days until her ears started developing further and I started wondering if this was perhaps the "perceived swelling" is part of normal chicken growth??

Any advice? THANK YOU!!
Welcome to BYC. While that looks a little puffy, I have seen that before in a healthy hen or rooster. Look more for watery or foamy eyes and nasal drainage, which are common in eye or respiratory diseases.
Thank you for responding! No foam or watery spots. Two of the others are starting to look similar, only on one side.
Tylan or oxytracycline can be used in the water to treat mycoplasma or other respiratory diseases that can cause swelling around eyes and face from sinus infection. Do you see any signs of pecking or stings by insects?

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