Eye Problem was oozie like pink eye but now hard on top. Please Help Pictures included!


10 Years
Mar 15, 2014
Cedar Creek, Texas
I started by reading all the eye infection posts and looking at all the attached sites but My silkie Roo *Hairy* is in a bad way his eye atarted to swell about 5 days ago. he separated himself from the flock which is odd since he is Alpha. I scooped him up and brought him in the house. he is having trouble breathing and is not himself at all. his eye was doing this yellow goo and I would wipe it away in the morning and night now not as much goo but it is getting hard on the top of his eye and I think his eyeball is in his cheek even his blink looks like it moves in the back of his eye not at the lid like it is suposto I have Pics!

This is Hairy's good eye for reference.

Here is the swelling

And this is close up of the eye socket

I have been cleaning and wiping his eye out but he just seems to be getting worse. even having trouble eating right now.

Please help if it was a glunky blob of yellow gook I would pull it out but this I dont know what to do for him. like I said it is hard on top of the eye and soft on the underneath.
Please help even if it is to say get a pic like ...
I know he is having trouble seeing out the one eye and that is making his food grab tough so i spread it out and he is eating on his own.
My EE had watery eyes she was itching and her feathers all fell out around her eye, I took a qtip with neosporin and rubbed it in and around her eyelids and it really helped. This sounds a bit more advanced but I don't think neosporin would hurt ;( hope chickey feels better soon!
Hairy passed away on May 18th. 2 days before his future ladies arrived here.
He will be missed.

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