Factory Farming in Maine: Please help for school


11 Years
Apr 2, 2008
Southern Maine
Hi everyone

We're doing a project in school and I'm researching factory farming in Maine. Does anyone have any info about this, especially egg farming?
Thanks all!
Nope, none.
Hope you can find some.
You know, a big, industrial type farm. Such as a battery cage laying setup.

And, HorseFeathers, could you stop pointing that camera at me? It's infringing on my privacy.
I can get you statistics from Dun & Bradstreet about farming, and from there you can kind of make some important assumptions. Like for starters, I just found that in Maine, there are 4 commercial chicken egg farmers, the average of which has 28 employees and 1.9 million in annual sales. You can pretty well assume that at least one or two of the four farms is a factory farm to drive the average up that high. Let me know if you want statistics from the other animal farming industries.

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