Fall's here..........


16 Years
Aug 8, 2008
Queens, NY
Summer's officially over....
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy 1st day of Fall/Autumn, get ready for the changing leaves, drinking apple cider, etc...

Hopefully this season will have something great to offer everyone!!

Enjoy ya'll !!!
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Yep, by the calender that's the case, however we are having great summer weather yet. Just the medicine my tomatoes need for harvest.....bad for bowhunting, however that will change here shortly.


I hung up Indian corn on our porch light yesterday, and got out the apple cinnamon housewarming candles (my personal fave). I anticipate crisp mornings, an earthy scent on the air, the colors of the changing leaves, warm, colorful sweaters, baking yummy things in the oven (like pumpkin bread) and seeing new birds at our feeders. Later on this week, I'll get cornstalks and prop them up in our front garden. October 1 will be the day I get the Hallowe'en lights out (yes, Hallowe'en lights).

I bought my pie fillings for Thanksgiving yesterday so that I wouldn't have to worry about it later. No sold-out woes for me!

Such happiness is mine...
Its been pretty warm here during the day but the nights get nice and cool. Great sleeping weather!
Happy first day of fall as well.
Its the incentive I needed to get out the autumn decorations.
I know that it is here, but I refuse to accept it! I love fall, but my garden is actually still growing and producing and I don't want summer to end just yet. I think it's a losing battle.
Autumn is my favorite season too. I love the changing of the leaves and all the beautiful colors. We're already seeing the changes. Boy did it sneak up on us quickly.

Same here in the Uk, leaves turning red and gold, very pretty, but am I a summer lover..(not that we get much!) and the fall tells me winter is rapidly approaching....hibernation time for me soon! Luckily we have had no rain for the last week or so, and it is so nice to be still able to do some gardening....planning to dig out another big flower bed tomorrow, have grown 300 perennial plants this summer so I am really looking forward to planting them this week........

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