Favorite Cross


10 Years
Apr 21, 2009
Anyone have a favorite cross that they like something they have found broods better or lays better or just tend to grow a little faster etc?
I like Welsummer/EE mixes. Very pretty chickens that lay olive eggs!
My favorite cross ever was Zoya. Her father was a brown leghorn x australorp mix and her mother was a cochin silkie mix. She laid maybe a dozen eggs in her first year then went broody and hatched out 2 clutches of chicks that year then laid like crazy the next few years until she became egg bound and died.
I often cross Sumatra into a few of my layer breeds to make them better at foraging and encourage more broody hens.

I am also a fan of anything adorable, hence my Serama/Cochin who was fluffy as a cochin and tiny as a serama.

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