Feathers A Flyin Farm


Cochins R Us
16 Years
Nov 10, 2007
Mooresburg TN
So I'll post eggs here for sale.
But since I Can't edit my post I'll be posting below this post as I have eggs ready to go.
Still working on restarting my website.

Have these eggs ready to go out!!

Lot #1
12 Black Copper Marans
$45 Shipped


Lot #2
12 Black Copper Marans
$45 shipped

Lot #3
6+ Phoenix eggs
From These pens
Bantam Ginger reds
Bantam cuckoo (Aubery Webbs Line)
BBred (Aubery Webbs Line)
$40 shipped


Lot #4
6+ Bantam Cochins
Trio of Millie fluer and Blue Millie Fleur with a white Frizzle hen and a Black Mottled hen
$35 shipped


Lot #4
6+ BBS Standard Cochins
$35 shipped


Lot #5
6+ Grab bag
could be any of the breeds in my signature that are not laying enough to get a full half doz or doz from them.
$30 shipped
Interested to know when you have more BBS NN. I have just started building a flock of NN and don't have any blue at all right now, would like very much to add.
Interested to know when you have more BBS NN. I have just started building a flock of NN and don't have any blue at all right now, would like very much to add.
I have a few eggs from that pen But I'm not sure if their fertile or not. I have a pen of around 18 young birds. Few just started laying. Have around 5 to 6 young roosters in pen of the thre combos of colors . Waiting til they feather out good before choosing which rooster to keep.
No worries, whenever you think you might have some worth setting just let me know :) FWIW, I've usually had slightly better luck hatching shipped eggs laid by pullets, and shipped eggs here are a crapshoot to begin with. Only time I ever had a good - REALLY good - hatch of shipped eggs was some Black Cochin (LF) eggs, shipped by an eBay seller from Florida, which I think the post office made a mistake with because they somehow got to me in right around 24 hours. Hatched 11 of .. I think it was 14? eggs. I was shocked. 2 Cockerels and 9 pullets, sold the extra cockerel when they started fighting, the rest are still in my yard :) Made up for all the times I hatched zero. Well, some of the times, anyway LOL.
No worries, whenever you think you might have some worth setting just let me know :) FWIW, I've usually had slightly better luck hatching shipped eggs laid by pullets, and shipped eggs here are a crapshoot to begin with. Only time I ever had a good - REALLY good - hatch of shipped eggs was some Black Cochin (LF) eggs, shipped by an eBay seller from Florida, which I think the post office made a mistake with because they somehow got to me in right around 24 hours. Hatched 11 of .. I think it was 14? eggs. I was shocked. 2 Cockerels and 9 pullets, sold the extra cockerel when they started fighting, the rest are still in my yard :) Made up for all the times I hatched zero. Well, some of the times, anyway LOL.
I know that feeling lol
spent over $150 on 2 doz RIR eggs I might get 2 chicks to hatch.
Birds have started laying like crazy!

I have :
1 doz Blue, Black, Splash Turkens
there is a blue partridge project rooster in group also. $45 shipped

8+ Standard Blue, Black, Splash Cochin
$45 shipped


1 doz + Easter Eggers
There is a calico orpington hen in group also so might get a few eggs from her. Most will be green EE eggs
$35 shipped

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