My growing pullets are housed and feed together with my adult birds. There currently is no practical way to separate their feeding. I was feeding the younguns chick starter crumbles and the adults layer pellets in separate feeders. The adults would/will raid the chick feeder and now that the pullets are nearly full sized, but not laying yet, they readily eat the adult layer food. They all have access to a large run where they eat what ever nature has to offer, plus the scratch that I throw out. Going "by the book", my pullets should probably still be on chick grower feed for another 6 weeks or so. Should I still be worrying about the food source/type, continue to offer both and not worry about who eats what, or what? There is free choice oyster shell and grit available. Everyone seems healthy and happy, but egg production is down a bit. The younger birds have been with the adults long enough for any "introduction stress" to have been resolved and pecking order issues are established.