Feeding Eggs to Chickens?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 12, 2011
Palmer, Alaska
After a two week vacation i came home to 10 dozen eggs in my fridge. Our house sitter had gathered eggs faithfully. However it was 10 below zero for two weeks and most of these eggs were frozen. I know it's OK to bake with frozen eggs but I can't use this many frozen eggs. I've been scrambling them up dozen by dozen and feeding them back to my hens (who could certainly use the protein). Is this a good idea?
Chicken LUV eggs and it's perfectly fine to feed 'em back to them. I do the same thing for my quail. I have absolutely no use for the quail eggs, so I smash them in a bowl and microwave them, broken shell, yolks and all. Let them cool and lunch is served!

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