Feeding layers chick feed?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 8, 2010
Ok so I'm going to pick up my first 2 RIRs tomorrow,
and I thought I was buying some younger pullets, but it turns out that they are layers.

I've already bought a small (5 lb) bag of medicated chick starter feed.
Would it be alright to go ahead and let them eat this until I can get over to the feed store?
I might be getting some Ameraucanas tomorrow as well, and I believe they are younger and have not started laying yet...
For short term, it should be fine. Long term, not enough calcium. I would be sure to offer oyster shells along with the chick feed, though.
Awesome. Is there anything else that supplies a tangible amount of calcium? Again, I'd have to make a trip down to the feed store for oyster shells. (But I'll certainly get them once I get some layer feed.) I'm so excited about my chooks!
My vet told me to add crushed cuttlebone to my layer feed. My Ameraucana (Doris) started laying really big eggs and ended up egg bound. Vet said she needed more calcium on top of the oyster shells I feed.

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