Feel soooooooooo Dumb right now !


In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 26, 2008
ok I have in my coop 4 d'Uccle bantams 2 standard color and one White

and in the same coop . ( as i dont have room to separate for another month)
a pair of Salmon bantams )

ok heres the prob.... i am getting 3 eggs a day i was sure the very pale tan ones were the salmon but i am now getting 2 tan and a green, hahahah they are very cute but they are green and i dont know who is laying the green ones.

any thoughts
thanks thats a great site .....

Buttttttttttttt hahahahah they dont even have d'Uccle on there or im missing it . it is early LOL

and as i thought the salmons are cream so i just need to find out witch one of the d'Uccle girls is laying it LOL ill get some pics nect to a normal one when im home form work.
They're listed under "B" for Belgian D'Uccle or Barbu d'Uccle and it says they're supposed to be laying cream colored eggs as well. ....you have a masquerader in the mix my friend!
Sounds like some of your birds might actually be Bantam EEs or Ameraucanas..... Being that all of these breeds have beards and muffs.. they may have gotten mixed up at some point.... do you have pics?
Ill try and take some tomorrow im just getting home tonight and its pitch and freezing out.

i never thought of one of them salmons might be a EE if it is it was sent with the salmon eggs i got off ebay last june.but i didnt get any colored eggs in that bunch they were all cream and shades of light tan. all 3 Hens and they the same except for the male that is.

Ok here are some of the eggs the girl is giving me




Its been Very very wet here and please excuse the mudd sheeesh i had to put mudd boots on to get to the coop.

another 3 in of rain and they better learn to swim!!

these are the eggs in question and the hens i got them off ebay last summer bought as Salmon Bantams


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