Feeling very nervous....surgery in the morning..:(

carolina chicky

10 Years
Apr 1, 2009
South Carolina
I am having an abdominal myomectomy in the morning and I am very nervous. I can't get to sleep so I figured I would get on BYC and vent. I am gonna be out of commission for 2 weeks and I am gonna miss my babies (chickens) while I am in the hospital (3 days).
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for your worry and
for an easy surgery and quick recovery!
Thanks, this is the first major surgery I have had so I don't know what to do not being able to be home and take care of things around here. Maybe I should look foward to the rest
A good friend and I have a mantra-


from Hollywood, SC. Hope all goes well for ya!
ooh yeah..i've heard of that..for fibriods... they say that it can really help! Check out the videos on youtube about it... its helped alot of women.. Good luck sweetie!
I feel for you! I'm having a hysterectomy next week. I also have never had surgery of any kind. Kind of puts a kink into your system doesn't it? This is what I tell myself: relax, not much you can do about it anyway, and thank goodness they found something and will be able to take it out. This time next week, you will be relieved that it's over with and you will be fine.

It's the anticipation of the whole thing. Try not to dwell on it. Just prepare yourself and take it one day at a time. Xanax helps me ( during the night when I'm thinking too much....) I just had to finalize my surgery info today......made it more real.....but, there it is. I'll be thinking of you, you're not alone! We sisters have to stick together! Good luck with everything, let us know how you are afterwards!

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