female Ameraucana chicks

Lee Nelson

8 Years
Jan 17, 2012
I have 6 week old female Ameraucana chicks for sale in Prior Lake, Minnesota. Very healthy, vaccinated for coccidiosis and Marek's disease. $20 a piece.
ameraucana 1.jpg
baby chicks.jpg
I ordered all female Ameraucanas from Murray McMurray hatchery and paid more for them individually as compared to a package deal.
Every breed, even in dogs, starts as a mix/mutt lol. However, Ameraucanas are a recognized breed with accepted varieties and a standard (which includes muffs). Easter Eggers are the mixed breeds that have a blue egg layer somewhere in their heritage but can lay any color because of the randomized inheritance of genes, and they may or may not be muffed.
Yup, those are definitely EEs not Ameraucanas. Ameraucanas only come in a few accepted colors, that’s not one of them. And Ameraucanas ONLY lay blue eggs not green ect. Most hatcheries don’t sell Ameraucanas only EEs or they’ll mislabel them as Ameraucanas which is very deceiving.

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