fenbendazole dosage?



5 Years
Mar 26, 2014
davidson, north carolina
I have treated my Gretel for external parasites but she is still not doing well… Feather loss, lethargic, losing weight. She is still eating and drinking. she must have worms, although I haven't seen any in her poop. I have fenbendazole safeguard for goats and have looked for dosages on this site but have seen several different recommendations. Can someone please tell me how much to dose her? and I understand you do not have to wait before you can eat the eggs? She actually is not laying but I assume I have to dose my other 3 girls as well as I have no way to separate them except for during the day...? and how does one know that they get enough medicine? I am going out of town Tuesday so I need to start tomorrow. I would appreciate any tips and how to's. Thank you so much!
What did you treat her for with for the external parasites?
Did you see bugs?
Did you treat the coop too?
she had lice eggs your her event that I cut off after I gave her a bath and dish soap. I did not see any bugs on her anywhere else. I sprayed the coop down with liquid seven and put down some DE as a future preventative. I have sprayed her with permethrin twice, one week apart. and thank you for the link but I need layman's terms. If she has intestinal worms how much do I put in a gallon of water? I have seen 2.25 mL, 3 mL and then your article suggested even more. I'm really upset and confused and need someone to tell me what to do. thank you.
she had lice eggs on her vent area that I cut off after I gave her a bath in dish soap. I did not see any bugs on her anywhere else. I sprayed the coop down with liquid seven and put down some DE as a future preventative. I have sprayed her with permethrin twice, one week apart. and thank you for the link but I need layman's terms. If she has intestinal worms how much do I put in a gallon of water? I have seen 2.25 mL, 3 mL and then your article suggested even more. I'm really upset and confused and need someone to tell me what to do. thank you.
my apologies for the typos.
Ok...sit tight. I'll get you the dosage.
Is it a liquid or paste?
I'm not familiar with that specific wormer though.
I can give you the names and doses of other wormers.
DE will NOT prevent or kill any lice or mite from coming back.
There is not just one type of worm a chicken can get...so it usually helps to know which worm they need to be treated for, different medications treat different worms and some medications don't phase some worms.

I'm guessing a fecal test on her poop is out of the question?
Any vets office can do it for very cheap.
I have asked the vets in my area and they do not to do that. The safeguard is suspension 10% (100 mg/mL) liquid. I figured the DE couldn't hurt :) so when I figure out the dosage I just mix it with a gallon of water and put it in their water feeder and leave them cooped up? They don't drink a gallon of water a day. how do you know they're getting the proper amount? And I have read three days in a row. Does that mean I need to make a fresh solution each day? argh.

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