fermented chicken feed, first time did i do it right


Free Ranging
7 Years
Mar 5, 2017
hi everyone. I have been wanting to start my chickens on fermented feed so I tried to make some in a bucket, but I did not measure it I just put like under a half of the bucket and then I put water intil it was over the feed. I went and mixed it up two or three times a day with a clean shovel. it is day four and im not sure if I did it right, its not bubbling or anything. here is a pick. can some one just tell me it it looks right. and if it don't can someone give me the right measurements lol thanks.
What is the temperature where you are fermenting? That will affect how quickly it initiates and how long it takes.
Did you use well water or city water to start the ferment?
DobieLover is right on the money. If it is too cold outside the yeasts cannot start fermenting because they are asleep. Try moving it indoors in a closet or bathroom and it should start up. Measurements aren't very important, you just want to make sure your feed is saturated and covered with water.
I use city water for my fermented food but I filter it. If the chlorine content of your water is too high it will kill the yeast. Another option if your water is chlorinated is to let it sit out for 24 hours and the chlorine will dissipate.
I agree with the above posts. My girls like it a bit thicker, so personally, I’d add a bit more feed!
That'd be too watery for my flock, they like it pretty stiff. And I keep it indoors as well to keep it somewhat warm, though at this time of year I don't get any bubbling, it's just not warm enough even inside.

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