Ferrets are illegal in Cali, yet I see people with them?


9 Years
Nov 8, 2010
North Edwards
The Petsmart here, I saw a ferret in someone's cart in a small dog bed. It was the first time I saw a ferret and the owner explained to me what it was and stuff. Friend on the military base near where I live, she has a white one and the normal brown colored kind. I was like "huh?!? how'd you get that?! what how?". Micheala told me her mom got both in Nevada.

What?! What?! What?!

Can someone explain?
Ferrets are illegal there?! That has got to be the oddest thing I've ever heard. Every freakin thing is legal in CA.
I feel your pain... i cant get a monkey here in MA either...

(I CAN have a ferret though.. neener..neener.. )
Yes, lots of interesting things are legal in this wonderful state but NO, you cannot have a ferret!
Notice a lot of pet stores sell ferret food and supplies so apparently lots of people own contraband ferrets!
The reason why you cannot have a ferret is because they destroy crops, and the central valley in California is very important...Same thing goes for gerbils. Because I was so used to those laws, I was surprised when I saw a gerbil in the petstore for the first time when I moved up to Washington a few months ago!

That's strange though. Hopefully they don't get in trouble or anything, those 'lil guys are adorable and I'd hate to get rid of it...
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I heard the reason is that they easily naturalize if let loose they thrive and either damage crops or native wild animals.

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