Fertile eggs won't hatch


Jun 13, 2022
My broody Black Marans Lobo has been broody for a while sitting on two fertile eggs. The eggs should've hatched by now, but they didn't, and I've heard of hens sitting in the eggbox for so long they become very unhealthy. Should I help them out of their shells, or wait longer? I want what's best for Lobo and her babies.
My broody Black Marans Lobo has been broody for a while sitting on two fertile eggs. The eggs should've hatched by now, but they didn't, and I've heard of hens sitting in the eggbox for so long they become very unhealthy. Should I help them out of their shells, or wait longer? I want what's best for Lobo and her babies.
Have you candled? What day of incubation is it?
If it’s past hatching time and they haven’t hatched, they won’t. They’re dead. You should make the hen get off the nest because it is unhealthy for a hen to stay there so long.

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