First chick born - didn't know!! pic added


10 Years
Nov 23, 2009
Orange Grove, TX
ok - so my husband went out to feed the free range birds this morning and our sumatra was back. She comes and goes and tears around the property like a mad bird - so she just kind of does what she wants and just creates laughter for us when she comes around as she never goes less than 60 mph or 0 mph - nothing in between.

Well this morning she had a little tiny fluff ball with her ... WHAT!!! had no idea she was broody or even had a nest going. So hubby comes in to tell me, and when I go out she is no where to be found.

Hehe - I just happened to catch her out of the corner of my eye and found her little chick. It is ADORABLE and the smallest thing I have ever seen! It is so stinking cute. Well when I caught it - i tried to vent sex it and I THINK that it is a little pullet. Not sure who the daddy is as I am in the processes of culling all the roosters so I have a few running around. But when i grabbed the chick, i also found the nest. there are 8 more eggs in the nest. I also found the egg shell - it seemed like it was a little wet still inside.

So how long do I wait to see if she is going to hatch out more chicks or if the eggs are no good?

Thank you - this is my first time for chicks!
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If it were me I would leave those eggs for at least 3 days. But is she setting on the eggs anymore?

I have read accounts on here of people having hatches 3 days later.

Congratulations on your new peep!

Oh yah - she is sitting on it and the little chick is under her also. when she got up I didn't touch the eggs or anything - but i couldn't see where any were cracked or anything either.

Ohhhhh I sure hope that she has more than just the one hatch ... this is so cool!



When I went outside she had the chick out and walking around. She was teaching every other animal to stay FAR away from HER baby - LOL!
Unfortunately, I think that something got her and her baby last night. Her nest is completely destroyed, a small bunch of black feathers from her, and no eggs to be seen anywhere - and can't find her or the baby

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