First Chickens Ever!!

Hill Top Hens

6 Years
Apr 20, 2013
We got 2 of our chickens on Monday, Aracauna's 3mths old and today one Rhode Island Red 4mths and one Light Sussex5 mths. They are only young, but one of the Aracauna's is bullying the Light Sussex. Tonight is their first night in our coup and it is not huge but it does look like they are now asleep.
Will the bullying continue?
I thought there would be a pecking order but she's really mean right now.
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Greetings from Kansas, Hill Top Hens, and
! Pleased you joined us! Just keep an eye on the one doing the picking. Is there a difference in their ages? That might be the reason. Or it may just be a pecking order squabble. If it's just an occasional peck there is really nothing to worry about. It is is severe (if a chicken is pinned down and pecked repeatedly, denied food, or if blood flows), then other measures need to be maybe removing the mean one. Give it some time and I think they'll work it out. Good luck to you!
Hello and welcome from glad you joined BYC

I have a mean one that sometimes has to spend time alone in her own seperate space for a few days. When I finally let her join the others she is more than happy to be friends :)

Good luck to you
Thank you for you advice it is much appreciated. We are keeping a very close eye, it is great to have support!!

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