Hi there,
Long time lurker...first time member
We just brought our chicks home today.
2 Ameraucanas, 2 Silver Laced, 2 Barred Rock, 1 ISA Brown, 1 Australorp, 4 Red Rangers (picked by my 5y/o son because they are orange) and 2 guinea fowl.
We live in Northwestern Minnesota, on 10 acres and these are our first chickens.
So far the BRs are the most friendly...first to eat out of hands and not run away when picking up. The guinea are a bit wild!
happy to be here!
Long time lurker...first time member
We just brought our chicks home today.
2 Ameraucanas, 2 Silver Laced, 2 Barred Rock, 1 ISA Brown, 1 Australorp, 4 Red Rangers (picked by my 5y/o son because they are orange) and 2 guinea fowl.
We live in Northwestern Minnesota, on 10 acres and these are our first chickens.
So far the BRs are the most friendly...first to eat out of hands and not run away when picking up. The guinea are a bit wild!