First day of no school...Hera takes advantage


Rest in Peace 1963-2021
Mar 20, 2008
NW Kentucky
So Cheyenne is out of school for the summer and Hera took full advantage of it by screaming her head off at 8:30 until Cheyenne took her out of her quarantine cage and brought her to "her" table downstairs...then screamed again until Cheyenne held her.

They played tug of war with a string:




Then Hera decided to take a dustbath in Cheyenne's lap


Then Hera took a nap forcing Cheyenne to sit in the chair and hold her...everytime Cheyenne tried to get up, Hera would scream at her. So she would sit back down so Hera could nap.


hahahaha this is gonna be a long summer break if Hera has her way. She has done the same thing to me every day this week...she just wants to sit on her table or be held. Considering we have only had her about 4 days, she is true to cochin personality....very docile and friendly. A real sweetie.
The look on Cheyenne's face makes me think she is just as content to sit in that chair with little Miss "this is MY household and we run it MY way" Hera- what a precious pair!

Good luck getting her into a coop! (Hera, not Cheyenne)

BTW, what about the fate of Severus?
Absolutely priceless pics there LadyHawk!
Something tells me that we haven't heard the end of this story yet!
I think HorseFeathers has the right notion here. Just get her a good supply of chicken diapers and resolve yourself to the fact that you've been adopted by a house chicken!!
That one isn't ever going to take NO for an answer!

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