First Egg Tragedy


10 Years
Sep 23, 2009
I don't usually post here, but I read a lot and have found so much information in this forum. Now, the day has finally come where I can post that my ladies laid their first egg. I have three Easter Eggers that were hatched on Valentine's Day. I'm not sure which of the three produced the egg, but it was very pale green, and I was thrilled. I wasn't so thrilled by the fact that she laid it in the chicken tractor which I didn't get around to moving back to the coop until after dark, so I didn't see the egg and promptly smashed it.
All of her hard work for nothing! Oh well. I'm sure she'll lay another in a couple of days, and soon there will be plenty of eggs to go around. I'm proud of her, even if I did ruin her "baby." That'll teach me to wait too late to move the girls!

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