First Egg!!! WOOT!!!


11 Years
Apr 30, 2008
SF Bay Area - Danville
Ok, I know all you pros are sick of seeing this topic posted, BUT I GOT MY FIRST EGG!!!! Perfect little pullet egg. Not sure who laid it, but I am thrilled! My impatience has finally paid off! :eek: RIR, Buff Orp & Black Star are 22.5 weeks old. If I can find the patience, I will try to post a photo in the first egg thread!!

isnt a great feeling?! mine started laying about a week now, it was just one RIR now a barred rock is starting up.
Congrats to you and who could be tired of good news anyhow???
I cant wait till I get my first egg to bad you cant frame it like they do them first dollar bills in stores.. Maybe you can blow the yolk and white out and save the shell
Congrats! My little female duck laid her first egg about a month ago, Ended up laying 18, sadly , only one hatched, but this little duckling is such a joy! At 3 weeks old, she is spending her first night outside
But Mama has already laid eight more eggs, lol.
Again, CONGRATS! I know it is just such an awesome feeling when you see it/ feel it.
YAYS! Isn't it exciting? I got my first blue EE this week. I think one of the 4 EE's lays pinkish eggs, they look brown till you put it right next to a brown egg, then it looks lavender/pinkish! Enjoy your fresy tasty non-anemic eggs!! J

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