First Eggs


In the Brooder
Jul 30, 2016

My girls (we have 2) are 6 months old and we just started getting eggs last week. We aren't sure which, or if both, are laying but the picture is (from left to right) a large "S"tore egg and then numbered 1 through 5 in the order ours were laid. The first 3 were in one laying box and then we had 2 days with no eggs then the last 2 eggs were in the second laying box. Are the eggs sizes normal for the first eggs? We are new to owning chickens (obviously lol).
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Me and my girls. Tip, the Ancona (black and the one we suspect is laying)) and Moonlight, we think she is Blue Hen of Delaware.
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I have no clue but need to learn. My girls are 22 weeks old and no eggs yet!
I'm confused about providing artificial light to promote laying. It's going to a happy day around here when we finally get an egg!
Egg size can vary and are mostly smaller at onset of lay.
Can get huge double yolkers or tinier ones.
Can take up to a month or so for things to smooth out.

One way to know who is laying and who is not is to examine vent and pelvic bones.
Vent Appearance:
Dry, tight, and smaller - usually not laying.
Moist, wide, and larger - usually laying.

Pelvic Points 2 bony points(pelvic bones) on either side of vent:
Less than 2 fingertip widths apart usually means not laying.
More than 2 fingertip widths apart usually means laying.

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