First Eggs


10 Years
Jan 9, 2010
Well well - the girls surprised me!! I have 7 Silver Laced Wyandottes, and 8 Buff Orpingtons, all just turned 19 weeks. I was not expecting eggs for a couple of more weeks, and when I went into the hay shed this afternoon, look what was waiting for me. Oh those hens!! I ate them immediately, and then read all of the posts about medicated feed <g> . It would be nice if they would lay in their nest boxes in the coop, but I think this is a risk of free ranging.


It's very exciting to get your first eggs.

Just a tip, you can, and will thank yourself if you do, train those girls to lay in their nests. I would start by putting fake eggs or golf balls in the nest boxes and then locking them in the coop for a day. That might be all the hint they need. And once one girl lays in the box, usually the rest follow.

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