First Ice on the waterer

Nice. Our waterer has been frozen a few times. I've been taking a knife to chip away the ice. I need to bring the waterer inside the coop. I need a plastic tray first, so I don't have wet and moldy wood chips.

Once our ice freezes in the coop, we will bring in the radiator heater and keep the heater at the lowest setting, so the water doesn't freeze.
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I hear that some folks will put sports balls (tennis, etc) in their waterers so the chickens can break the ice. Read something about horse folks using basketballs.
Yes, yesterday was our first frost and all the buckets and pools had ice on them. I guess that means we are off and running for cold weather.
I wish I could use heated bases for mine but I have too many tractors and pens so on the cold nights I just put a board over them or turn them upside down as I go through and close pop doors and coop doors. The pools get left but deer will usually keep a hole nosed out of one in the barn yard. The ducks can break through the others.

I hated the summer heat but I grumble some about the winter, too. Oh well, spring and fall are really nice! I guess we can enjoy the days that are good.

Enjoy the heated base. It will help a lot this winter!

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