First night in the coop!

Real McChicks

In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 20, 2011
My 7 week old chickies are sleeping in the coop tonight for the first time!
I'm also very excited to have my shower back and clean! I've only checked on them 3 times so far
and its 10:30 p.m.. They seem to be asleep, huddled in a big pile next to the solar light that I put in there with them. Its nice and warm tonight so they should be fine..... but I cant' help but worry about my babies. My 9 yr old daughter wanted to sleep outside next to the coop and my 4 yr old couldnt understand why she couldnt sleep IN the coop!
Well - they did wonderful! Hardly a peep out of them- although they seemed happy to get out into their run this morning. Only one of them has ventured back in voluntarily. Hoping it doesnt take too long to get them heading in on their own- its really hard to catch them when the get under the coop!
Do chicks ever get scared on the first night in the new coop? First night for mine too, and they are all restless and glued to the window staring at the house.... One is really crying loudly, which stirs up the others.

They are normally pretty calm and quiet.

They have a 100 watt light bulb, and one already made it up onto the "big girl" roost - hurrah!

Is there anything I can do to make their first night more comfortable?

Maybe I should try to figure out the one who's crying (they are buff orps and I can't tell them apart) and bring her & one buddy back inside?
Thank you for the reassurance - I will leave them.

I pray they don't call the coyotes... we have spent a LOT of time "hardening" their coop (chicken fort knox) - but sure don't want it tested already...
Thanks again for the encouragement. They finally calmed down sometime between 1:30 and 4:30 AM (yes, I had to check on them - they were suffering so...)

Then during the day I went in the backyard and when they saw me they started SCREAMING - hanging on the hardware cloth on the window crying & flapping frantically - it was awful!

So I just stayed out of the backyard and didn't let them see me for a couple of days and now they seem to have calmed down.

Chased out of my own backyard by screaming chickens - I kept wondering if my neighbors would call to see if I was abusing them...

In the future I will think twice about hand feeding my chicks with treats - I have created an angry/hungry LOUD mob - ha ha

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