First Seed Catalog


9 Years
Sep 29, 2010
Bucks County, PA
Just got my first seed catalog in the mail today.

Pinetree Seeds.


Here's what they have to say about their GMO policy.

1. We do not sell and genetically modified seeds.
2. We have been doing business with the PEOPLE from Seminis for
more than 20 years, long before they were bought by Monsanto. We feel
loyalties to the folks who have served us well over these years. I will be
happy to send you the list of seeds we offer that come from Seminis.
Currently I don't have them in an electronic file, but if you'll send me your
mailing address, I'll get it out to you.

We appreciate your efforts to keep seeds from being pattened by Monsanto.
I got Pinetree and Stokes. I already have an order with Pinetree for lettuce and carrot seeds.
Usually I get me Seed Saver book around Christmas. I am not quite ready to think about the garden. I just got mine cleared off. Of course, now I have seen this post and how I am thinking about it.

I love to look at them in Feburary when it feels like the winter is never going to end. I always try new items each year. Wonder what I should try next year.

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