First Time Chicken Owner - Indiana


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 16, 2012
Reelsville, Indiana
Hey Everybody! My name is Megan and I'm from Reelsville, Indiana. I joined BYC awhile ago as a way to get ideas and information on everything related to owning and caring for chickens. Well I am now a proud "Mommy" to 4 Barred Rocks, 4 RIR, and 3 Pekin ducks. They are about 6 weeks old now and as we put the finishing touches on the coop, I get more and more excited for this new journey we're taking. The site is almost overwhelming with as much information is on here - it's hard to know where to begin... I thought this would be the right place!
You are right that the site can be overwhelming. I find it easiest to do a search on a topic and see if there is a current thread running about it before I jump in and start a new one. Good luck with your new babies.
Greetings from Kansas, Megan, and
! Pleased you joined us! You'll get the hang of BYC before too long! One bit of advice - ducks and chickens perhaps should be separated when they grow up - if you have drakes and they attempt top breed the hen chickens, real damage can occur to the hens. Best of luck to you and your poultry plans!
Greetings from Kansas, Megan, and
! Pleased you joined us! You'll get the hang of BYC before too long! One bit of advice - ducks and chickens perhaps should be separated when they grow up - if you have drakes and they attempt top breed the hen chickens, real damage can occur to the hens. Best of luck to you and your poultry plans!

Thanks for the advice! The ducks and chickens are separated now and will have separate coops once they're moved outside. They will share a run but will take turns free ranging. I'm only interested in females right now for eggs. I'm pretty sure I have one female Pekin because she is LOUD!! The other two kind of squeak right now so I'm not sure if that's a sign for a drake or maybe they just haven't got their 'quack' yet. Time will tell I guess - Been looking for the drake feather
Thanks again for your warm welcome!

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