First time chicken parents


In the Brooder
Dec 28, 2015
Hi - we're based in south east england and have had hens for about 6 months - after a few ups and downs (mainly due to incorrect sexing) we have just had our first eggs and are really enjoying the entertainment of our new lawn ornaments and pets.

Here are Tikka, Bhajii, Korma and Pilau, enjoying a beef tomato.

Hi :welcome from Yorkshire UK

Glad you could join the flock! Congratulations on your first egg :celebrate Finding those little treasures is fantastic and never gets boring!! I have a little pullet who has just started laying again after a little break from when she first started and it was so exciting finding her egg especially as my polish are not laying at the moment. I love your pic and they are some lovely birds you have there.
Have you popped by the UK thread? The link is in my signature, there may be other keepers near to you.

Wishing you the very best of luck with your flock in the future. Enjoy BYC :frow
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Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. You have a beautiful flock and I love your chickens' names. Thanks for posting the pic. :eek:) If you haven't done so already, definitely check out our Learning Center at There is lots of useful information there. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.
I'm glad you decided to join us!!

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