First time hatching eggs with broody hen


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 16, 2011
So, tomorrow will be day 20 of Big Mama sitting on her 5 little eggs, I am curious since this is my first time hatching eggs with a broody hen, I was wondering do I leave the eggs with her when they begin to hatch or remove them and put them under a heat lamp. Unfortunately she is in with the rest of the flock because she would not sit if I moved her, tried and lost 6 eggs :( Any advice would be great. Thank you
Let her handle things. It is almost impossible to maintain proper temperature with a heat lamp. If possible screen the nest site so that the other hens can not intrude upon her and the chicks. Happy hatching!
Thank you, I do have her to where the flock cant get to her, now I guess its just a waiting game...Im gonna be a nervous wreck especially if they dont hatch before tuesday because i have to work that day :(
Hey, momma hens have been doing this for ages. They know what they are doing. Relax and let her do her job.
I agree-mama hens are good at what they do. I leave my broody in the coop with the flock and have not had a problem. A screen is a good idea to keep others out when they start to hatch.

Enjoy your soon to be new chicks.
Went In to check on Big Mama and heard peeping coming from atleast one egg, so I am getting very excited. Now comes the time to decide whether to take the chicks from her once they hatch. She is hatching 5 babies and is in with the entire flock still and I wouldn't second guess it if she was one of my standard hens but she is a silver laced Sebright so my concern is that the larger hens will be to aggressive and over take her and the new chicks. So I think I am leaning toward putting the chicks in a brooder when they hatch.
My broody hen is a cochin banty and she has hatched out 2 clutches in the pen with all the big girls. and they are all bigger than she is some quite bigger than she is. The big girls understand very quickly not to mess with mama. Even now (they are 8 weeks and mama is brooding again) the big girls ignore the chicks.

You will be surprised at how well she can manage.
Ok well maybe I'll let her keep them, just see how it goes and then go from there, still no chicks yet but lots of peeping inside one egg, so I'm hoping for one to start breaking thru today.
YAY!!! one little on has started to show itself today, I cant wait for the little one to be completely free.

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